Saturday, April 30, 2011

21 Facts

In honor of my 21st Birthday tomorrow, I'm sharing 21 facts about me.

1.  Delaney is not my first name.
2.  I lived in 3 different houses within the same city.
3.  I have had two dogs and two goldfish throughout my life.
4.  I love the beach and the mountains, but the beach wins.
5.  I enjoy working with children, I think their innocence and wonder is amazing.
6.  I am a Georgia Bulldog, and have been since birth.
7.  I am also an Atlanta Braves fan; don't stop the chop.
8.  My family currently lives on 74 acres of land.
9.  We have two tractors, a four wheeler, motorcycle and a dump truck.
10.  My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird.
11.  I hope to one day teach journalism to elementary school students.
12.  I love most country music.
13.  I have broken my arm.
14.  I have played 6 sports throughout my life.
15.  My dad is my hero.
16.  I used to work at a dog kennel, and it was one of the best jobs ever.
17.  I have friends who I've known for over half of my life or longer.
18.  I'm deathly afraid of flying, stinging objects because I was stung on the lip when I was 3.
19.  I developed lactose intolerance as an adult.
20.  My favorite movie is either Remember the Titans or The Blindside.
21.  I am a confirmed Episcopalian.
My first birthday

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