Thursday, July 14, 2011

Magical Endings

I'm copying this post from my blog Sweet Tea Serendipity in honor of the end of the Harry Potter series.  Enjoy!

I solemnly swear I'm up to no good.

Tomorrow.  It all ends.  The last Harry Potter movie premieres at midnight.

This is a time of mixed emotions for me.  I grew up with Harry Potter.  He has almost always been a part of my life.

I can remember sitting on my mom's bed at the age of 6 (or so), and her trying to read me the story about a boy named Harry and the world of Hogwarts.  I absolutely hated it.

A couple of years passed, and I was finally ready to embrace the magical wizarding world.

My mom would read the books to me out loud during long car trips.  I couldn't read on car trips because I would get car sick, so it was a great way to pass the time.

The tradition continued for many years, but around the time of the 5th book, I got tired of waiting for car trips to get to hear more.  So, one my friends loaned me her book, which I would read in secret.  

After that, I was finally allowed to read the books on my own, and read I did.  I devoured the last two books, and reread the first ones.  I laughed, cried, worried, learned, just about everything you can imagine.  The characters became real to me, and I could always turn to them.

The movies also started.  Each movie brought the images in my head to life, and captured my imagination.  I grew attached to one Dumbledore, and then another.  Of course, I also reveled in the attractiveness of some of the actors.

Now, the final movie is set to premiere.  There will be no more "new" to the story.  But, I guess, all good things must come to and end.  And really, it's not the end.  I still have the wisdom and lessons taught to me by Dumbledore, Hermoine, Harry, Ron and so many others.  I still have my books and movies that I can indulge in anytime I want a bit of magic in my life.  

Plus, Pottermore will be here before we know it.

Mischief managed.

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