Sunday, May 15, 2011

Religious Atonement

There has been an explosion of stories about sexual abuse within churches in the news over the past few years.  However, churches that expose themselves by admitting to this sin, also face backlash from the insurance companies and lawyers that protect them.  While churches and religion often believe in atonement and admission of sins, lawyers and insurance agents don't exactly praise such self-incrimination. So, the two forces are stuck in a battle.  The individual church must ultimately do what is right in their mind and for their congregation, even if sometimes this means losing the battle with regards to hypocrisy or self-incrimination.  Mind you, this decision is not easy, and there will be something lost by choosing either side.  But, a side must be chosen, and the church must be prepared to stand by their decision until the end because at least doing so shows conviction and faith.

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