Friday, March 18, 2011

All Aboard

Study abroad programs have been rising in popularity in colleges and universities around the country.  and why not?  Study abroad allows students to take classes and explore other cultures for as little as one week to a whole year.  This is an amazing opportunity to enrich and enhance the education of young college students.  Even more, the best time for people to travel is when they're young, full of energy and not tied down to many commitments.  I personally wish I could afford to study abroad because everyone that I know that has done a program absolutely loved it and I think it would be a great experience.

However, in light of the recent events around the globe, many universities are starting to rethink their study abroad programs.  Safety has become an issue in countries such as Egypt and Japan, and many parents worry about their children who are there.

I personally think these programs need to continue, natural disasters and political overthrows are part of life.  Yes, they may not be as big a part of life in the United States, but these things do exist and can occur anywhere.  Students are only expanding their horizons and education even more by witnessing these events first hand.  I understand that safety is an issue, and certainly I don't say we should risk lives or force students to stay, but I think they should be given the option to continue with their programs if possible.  And, colleges should not just cut these programs because of what is happening in these countries because if they do, students will be missing out on amazing opportunities to expand their horizon.

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